You should see a live camera stream if it’s the correct format. Regarding getting the camera streams from Blue Iris into your SharpTools.io dashboard… have you tried opening the URL format James mentioned directly in your browser? You’ll need to be on the same network as your Blue Iris server (and not have any Firewalls on the BI machine blocking things). Regarding getting the camera streams into Blue Iris, do I understand correctly that you already have four of your cameras in Blue Iris and working as expected and you are still trying to get one camera integrated into Blue Iris? If so, let’s work on getting one of the currently working cameras from Blue Iris into SharpTools first.
Zmodo blue iris software#

If you need an inexpensive solution to record up to 64 cameras and use some smart features such as event detection and alerts, this software can get the job done. It has a lot of interesting features at a low tag price.

Or come to think about it, you could just use the d-link app with that camera, or any cheap camera you find. Blue Iris is one of the best software for IP cameras for home and small business application.

If I follow correctly, I think there are two things you are working on here: Blue Iris is the key, it works with all sorts of security cameras.