To view the installed applications and to install applications in ISPmanager 4, go to Server Settings > Applications. If PHP is not installed, you will need to install it before installing SquirrelMail. To use Webmail (SquirrelMail) in ISPmanager 4, you will need to make sure that PHP is installed.
More information on how to tell which version of ISPmanager you have installed is available here - ISPmanager versions.

ISPmanager 4 has SquirrelMail available, and ISPmanager 5 has Roundcube available. The Webmail client available in ISPmanager will depend on which version of ISPmanager is installed. Installing a Webmail client using the ISPmanager Control Panel You may also need to install PHP in order for the Webmail client to work. Which Webmail client is available to you will depend on which Control Panel you are using. The Webmail client is installed from the Control Panel. Installing a Webmail client Installing a Webmail client using the Control Panel Installing a Webmail client using the Control Panel More information about setting up E-mail domains and users can be found for each available Control Panel - ISPmanager 4, ISPmanager 5. In order to use a Webmail client you will need to have an E-mail Domain and e-mail user accounts configured. Which Webmail client is available will depend on which Control Panel you are using, but the overall functionality is the same for each client. Webmail clients are available for your Virtual Server that will allow your users to check their e-mail using a browser instead of a desktop e-mail client. Applicable Plans - All Cloud Hosting Plans Using Webmail Overview