But it isn’t just good looks that won our favor its powerful 1,000-watt motor delivers. With its unusual hourglass-shaped design, this blender is eye-catching right out of the box. Loading up the blender the wrong way and/or turning the blender on top speed for every task can ruin your blender’s motor.
Make sure the manual gives you insight on best practices for loading the blender and which speed to use for different tasks. Watch the order of ingredients and speed.Plus, sometimes you want to just blend, but some of the models we tried were so high-tech it was actually difficult to find a simple turn-it-on-and-blend setting, without any starting and stopping or varying speeds. Some of the models we tested aren’t clearly labeled they use symbols instead of words to describe each setting, so you have to memorize what everything means or keep the manual nearby. But other models have locking mechanisms or other safety features - something to think about as you evaluate what machine is best for you. Thankfully, it happened before we put in any ingredients, so no harm done. One model we tried ran without the lid on. While it’s not a direct indicator or a blender’s performance, it’s important to keep in mind depending on your desired use. Wattage: A blender’s wattage is important - you want to ensure your smoothies are achieving the right consistency and your nut butters are properly smooth.

(Glass carafes tend be reserved for bar blenders.) Most high speed blenders are made from Tritan, a BPA-free plastic designed to withstand high speed and power. Carafe Material: You'll be hard-pressed to find glass carafes on high speed blenders for safety reasons - the force of the blending could shatter the glass.The ability to quickly take your blender on-the-go is also something to think about. For example, you’ll want to consider whether or not you plan on blender hot liquids, juice produce or blend nut butters when selecting your blender. There are the more obvious distinctions such as a personal smoothie blender versus a large-capacity blender, but others are more nuanced. Function: Blenders come in many different forms depending on what they’re meant to be used for.

And, if you do want your blender to live on your counter, it’s important to ensure there is enough space under your cabinets.

Afterall, this encompasses your storage needs (if you’re low on counterspace, a smaller, more lightweight version is for you) and function needs (are you looking for a daily smoothie maker or something for family sized soups?). Capacity: The size of your blender and your blender’s carafe might be one of the more important factors you consider when selecting a blender.