This is a pretty rare occasion that I fail to see someone is unhappy with what I've done and it seems I've ignored them. I DO care about the community and I always try to give credit if the demo sender wants it. I just got linked this on steam by a friend, and I'm pretty sad/shocked to read it. I don't make enough to pay everyone unfortunately, I wish I did. I went on to continue to do this with a lot of larger channels like "hazardcinema" who would regularly upload stuff I made, HARD WORK is what I put in to be able to try to build sometime for myself. The original video on his channel had 100,000 views or so, I didn't ask for payment or expect payment. I ended up winning that contest on a guys channel that had 20,000 subscribers and I got a lot of subs from it. I saw competitions held by big youtubers who would upload my stuff. This is how I started out my youtube career. This is sometimes better than monetary and sets the ball rolling in their stream/music/whatever, from there they can go on to make something of themselves with their new following. The answer to this is no, I ask for their permission from an exposure perspective. It could go really well for you too, who knows ). I've been following him since the start and he really had to work his way up, but he won a lot of fans by taking people's clips and putting them on youtube. Look at the doubleclickdota and doubleclickcsgo channels. That said, definitely give a little credit here and there, Sparkles. and hes definitely not digging himself out of the hole, but he might be doing something he likes so he has that going for him. I'd be surprised if hes even made 10 grand thus far. Sparkle's channel has like 16 million views. You need to rake in hundreds of millions of views to be making anything close to comfortable IIRC. Like 99% of the people you think are making bank on youtube are really just using it as a secondary source of income (or if they are okay with living dirt cheap their main source of income). What does everyone else think about this?

Has this happened to anyone else? How do you feel about it exactly? I enjoy Sparkles content, but if Sparkles won't even show any credit on any of his videos. But In other videos I've seen comments like "first clip is me :)" or something along those lines. But he doesn't care for any of the people he takes his content from and won't give any credit to them. I'm not saying he's a bad guy by all means. and I even say "not gonna put me in the desc?" and he didn't even bother to look at his messages any further after he got exactly what he wanted. He literally never came back to me so I thought I would comment on his steam and message him on facebook. The only time he gives credit to someone is if he's busting a CS:GO cheater. But why am I complaining exactly? Well I feel like Sparkles gives no credit to any of his uploads. It was on the front page of GlobalOffensive for almost two whole days and got a whopping 30k in only a few days. My particular frag that got uploaded was the "Nuke Run boost" ( ) But, I'm sure there's a lot of people who have been uploaded to sparkles channel for frag highlights videos ect. Well I couldn't really think of a title for this actually. RESENHA NA MADRU +18 !fairspin 718 TodynnPJL 1,087 ESL_CSGOĬS TALK MERCATO hellcase 1,065 KRL_STREAM HoWDY paRtNer, nEW ViDeo oUT !Skinclub !yo. 🥇 FACEIT and W only 🥇 w/ 👴 boomerdemons 👴. Subreddit Rules Message Moderators Official CS:GO Blog Discord