He’s so used to being told “just break it into smaller steps!” that until he got sat down and repetitively got asked to break one thing into smaller steps until he couldn’t figure out how to get any smaller did he realize that was what the advice was about the entire time.Vampire often falls into the “I am understimulated but can’t do anything to stimulate myself” spiral especially when there’s a dash of executive dysfunction which is often how he ends up laying on the floor until someone trips.Also due to alcohol messing with his medication, he finds it hard to sleep and will nap whenever possible.Due to drinking often and a lot, Vampire struggles a lot more with impulsiveness, focusing, and memory.“Do I even weigh anything to you?” “It’s like holding a couple of grapes” dynamicĪnon asks licorice cookie purple yam cookie purple yam licorice licorice x purple yam Mod Pancake pancake off the handles cookie x cookie cookie run cookie run ovenbreak crob bitchin' holidays everyone cookie headcannons.Licorice has never been one to do the actual fighting, however will cheer on Purple Yam from the sidelines.Purple Yam gives Licorice a lot of gifts and snacks, and it took Licorice a while to realize that it was how he was trying to show affection without needing to say/interrupt anything.When Licorice first started dating Purple Yam, totally was expecting Purple Yam to be a bit dismissive, was very surprised when Purple Yam ended up bringing flowers around every anniversary (including their 3 week one).Purple Yam has let Licorice win a challenge exactly once and never again, this does not stop Licorice from trying to challenge Purple Yam though to win again.Licorice is always adamant about Purple Yam actually taking care of himself and nearly screamed when he learnt that Purple Yam uses 3-in-1.They both bully Dark Choco together, for better or for worse.Additionally, Dark Choco doesn’t express his affection through words or actions but instead quality time and it takes forever for Licorice to figure it outĭark choco x licorice cookie x cookie cookie headcannons cookie run cookie run ovenbreak crob anon licorice cookie licorice dark choco cookie dark choco I know they have a relationship bond but i cant read it or find it anywhere so im going in blind mod pancake pancake off the handles.If Licorice asked for something, even if not expressing it verbally, Dark Choco would try to get it for him.

Licorice as once tried to pick up the sword to show how strong he is, did not expect Dark Choco to lash out at him, especially didn’t expect about an hour later Dark Choco crying and struggling to explain how he doesn’t want Licorice to fall victim to what he has.They try to keep their relationship as lowkey as possible, so they mostly just hold hands.Dark Choco just kinda sits and listens as Licorice goes on about some comment Dark Enchantress or Pomegranate made against him.Licorice ends up trying to help Dark Choco on his assignments because Licorice’s worried that he might meet with a “less than ideal” fate if he keeps things up.Licorice is one of the few reasons Dark Choco hasn’t just abandoned everything and ran.Often they’ll cover for each other if Dark Enchantress starts to ask too many questions about where the other was.Licorice loves to tease Dark Choco about anything and everything.